<strong>Where Preparation And Opportunity Meet</strong>

Where Preparation And Opportunity Meet

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What’s important in the dentistry business?

We asked five grizzled dentists, and while most of them agreed that Trident gum is not great for your teeth, all of them agreed that it’s important for dentists to be able to handle insurance claims correctly. 

In fact, our panel had a lot to say about this, when they could actually slow down and speak one at a time!

“You can’t just leave claims languishing,” said one. “You’re going to end up with paper stacks like they had at the VA – file cabinets collapsing and people filing workers compensation claims…”

This gentleman may have been being hyperbolic, but others agreed that this type of office preparation is completely essential. Some said they have seen instances where a dental practice just didn’t put enough work into the revenue cycle – and paid a heavy price. 

The Nuts and Bolts

Another of our panel dentists started talking about the particular challenges of dealing with insurance paperwork.

“You have to have correct adjustments on outstanding claims,” she said – “what about allowed amounts where you can only recoup so much money from the insurance company? Are you passing those costs off the patients, or are you absorbing them as an office? If you don’t know the answer, chances are you’re just not going to collect that money.”

Others agreed.

“It’s as simple as effective co-pays,” said one – “people are ready to pay when they’re at the counter, not months later responding to a piece of paper mail. You have one chance to collect and that’s it!”

While technically providers still try to collect after the date of service, we know what this person was talking about.

Professional Assistance

On the website, we talk about where preparation and opportunity meet. When you use DDS dental billing solutions you’re getting a qualified business partner that knows how to improve your revenue cycle. Then you focus on your core work with patients, and let us improve and fine-tune the ways that you make money!

After all, that’s what you want from a dental office. As a patient, that is. You want a place you can go to in order to get solutions and an affordable way to pursue treatment. As a provider, you may need help with that! Call us. 

The Results

\When you do invest in this kind of assistance, it won’t be unusual to see it pay off in a big way. We talk to offices all the time where people say “it took too long for us to do this,” because of how well a business partnership like this works! We can explain more details when you get in touch. Having the extra helping hand, at the end of the day, can make a big difference for your practice.