How Good Billing Partners Can Help with Dental Billing

How Good Billing Partners Can Help with Dental Billing

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A good third-party billing service really does a lot for a dental provider.

Here are some key ways that dental billing services and administrative support services make things run much more smoothly at a busy dental office.

Choices in Patient Care

It’s remarkable (and sort of unfortunate) how many dental patients make choices based on dental billing issues, even when they’re already in the dentist’s chair.

That’s because dental costs really change based on how the services are billed, how patients are treated, and how dentists work with contractual agreements with insurance companies.

However, dentists are focused on treatment and don’t usually have time to try to deal with these details during a work day.

One big example is the difference between composite and amalgam fillings.

Patients have a choice between these two materials, in many cases – unless the provider has already ruled out one option. But what the patient chooses is often going to depend on what insurance will pay. Factoring in the number of surfaces treated and other factors, dental offices come up with a likely insurance billing charge that they show the patient, and the patient makes the choice. But often, dental offices need help! Someone needs to be researching insurance contracts, going over policies and inspecting insurance cards while the patient is on-site – or later, after they have left.

Third-party billing services can help facilitate easy decision-making on treatment options according to what’s getting billed to a particular dental insurance company.

Working Out Time Frames

Other dental services get billed based on timelines.

For example, dental x-rays are extremely important in treating a patient’s dental issues. Dental billing for x-rays often gets billed based on how long it’s been since the patient had either a partial or full dental x-ray done.

In addition to other billing concerns, third-party billing services and administrative services can be on top of these kinds of issues, providing the fact-finding and research that helps dental professionals run their offices the right way, and collect more with each revenue cycle

Insurance Verification

In general, the dental insurance billing services will help to handle issues related to insurance verification, such as effective dates, deductible information, benefits that are covered by a particular plan, and the collection of co-pays at the office.

Data Security

At Dynamic Dental Solutions, our service provides effective safeguards to help dental clients comply with HIPAA and other standards in the industry. Keeping a dental practice HIPAA-compliant is a huge part of risk mitigation, and it’s another important part of how these companies help dental providers.

Software Management

We work with all dental softwares to help our dentists effectively run revenue.

Take a look at the website and see how Dynamic Dental Solutions can help your dental practice to improve quality in patient care and billing outcomes. Most dental offices know it’s extremely important to be able to depend on a smooth revenue cycle and that’s what we help to deal with in order to serve our dental provider clients well.